The Basis
Nature is a fundamental issue at Dikkedeur: human nature ànd his natural habitat. Everything originates from our natural (biological) features: it is the origin from which each child grows up. This growing up can be happy and carefree if we know and acknowledge the human nature, recognise and respect it. Our pedagogic policy is built upon this essential understanding.
The natural habitat of humans has its own importance, as a source for investigation, inspiration and challenge. For children it is of great importance to get to know that environment and come to love it. Nature is prominent in our child care: Dikkedeur is a participant in the national project ‘Groen Gescoord’ (“Scored Green”), our outdoor spaces look like green miniparks, and we even offer ‘natuuropvang’ in the forest (Kralingse Bos).
Our care is based on scientific knowledge of human nature that has proven its value over many decades. Knowledge about the biologically predefined developmental stages, the biologically anchored basic needs (attachment and discovery, amongst others) and the proper support in upbringing (where punishments and rewards are omitted).
Our team
The team of pedagogic employees at Dikkedeur is professional, motivated and proud of the so carefully chosen approach of children. Management and staff support them in their pedagogical task. All our echelons aim to safeguard the well-being of the children at Dikkedeur as effectively as possible.
Our organisation and mission
Our organisation is so called ‘profession-driven’ which means that professional requirements are the framework for decision making. A deliberate choice, after all, the professionals must realize our important social task, a task we have described as follows:
“Offering a respectful and child oriented care that guarantees physical and emotional security (attachment) and sufficient stimulation in order for children to become balanced adults who can utilize their talents optimally, are capable to enter into full-fledged interpersonal relationships and show a natural social commitment and involvement.”
How children are raised in those first years of life has a strong and lasting effect, right up till adulthood. Each day-care centre should recognise this responsibility and wonder if their pedagogical practice contributes to a healthy human development and consequently to a healthy society.
Read our pedagogic policy to see how Dikkedeur takes this responsibility.