The natural habitat is an eco-system, a set of interconnected parts. Human nature is the same: an independent organism with internal connectivity. Skewedness in one impacts the growth in the other. An insecure attachment, for instance, hinders a free exploration: the child wants to, but doesn’t dare to anymore. Insufficient stimulation and challenge causes frustration, which, in turn, causes the self-preserving response to kick in and makes the intrinsic motivation disappear. A lag in the sensory development is not without consequences for motor development, while disturbances on the cognitive level can have repercussions on the socio-emotional level.
The main pedagogical question here is: do we perceive the complexity of what is related?
At Dikkedeur this connectivity obviously is the basic assumption, we do not think in simple unilateral relations
That is why no trend or ideology fits us. Trends and ideologies are always limited; they focus on and over emphasis certain aspects, and ignore others. Children are then required to fit in that trend or ideology.